Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Aosta - Gateway to the Alps

Aosta, N Italy, spectacularly located within Alps tends to be one of those places discovered by accident leaving a lasting impression. It is almost at the crossroads with France and Switzerland and near the Italian entrance of the Mont Blanc Tunnel.
The ancient inhabitant of the valley was the Celtic Salassi tribe. The tribe of banditry made it difficult for explorers to traverse the territory. The Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus subdued the tribe, built roads and the city of Aosta. In 25 BC, Augustus erected the Arch of Augustus, marking the triumph of the Romans over the barbarian tribe. The Roman walls and the ruins of Teatro Romano among other remains bear witness to Aosta's heritage. 

Every year, on the last two days of January, Aosta hosts the eight hundred year old Fair of St. Orso. The origins of the fair are unknown, but it is certain that there has always been a gathering of shepherds and farmers in the town, offering their hand-carved objects in exchange for the tools associated with agriculture and cooking. Today the fair offers variety of items from handmade lace, baskets to clogs, wines and more.

 Arch of Augustus

 Part of Roman walls

 Teatro Romano

Official website of Aosta and more info about fair at: http://www.lovevda.it/en